Keeping You On The Move

Mobility Scooters-How and Where Are You Going To Use It

mobility scooter handle bars

How and Where are you going to use it?  Around the house? In the Grass/Gravel? Knowing where and how you are going to use it is the single most important question.    It drives the RIGHT solution. I am going to make some recommendations below based on particular situations. Please know the right solution can be […]

How to Maintain a GRIP on Ice Safely- YakTrax

man putting on ice grips

I love technology, and I love that there are so many wonderful advancements in mobility technology.   Well I “stumbled” on a new technology that I had to share with my blogging public. Earlier this winter, I was on a mission to buy a snow sled for my kids on an awful/perfect winter day.   A reasonably […]

Mobility Scooters Where To Start…. I Start With Questions

mobility scooters at autofarm

I LOVE scooters.   Scooters are fun, helpful, eccentric, and a conversation piece.   I would enjoy a scooter even if I didn’t have a disability. In our store, if someone is having a rough or bad day, I routinely instruct them to get on a scooter and ride it around the store.    My belief is that […]

The Top 4 Mobility Solutions That Help With Giving Stability

woman assisting elderly man with cane

Need a lift? Have ever looked at a chair, sofa, or bench as a black hole?  You know… the seat where you will never return? Because of my neuromuscular disease, my hips and legs are pretty weak.   Now when I enter a room, restaurant, office, hotel, bathroom toilets….really anywhere I plan to sit…I do the […]

Steps to a life with reduced mobility

elderly woman standing with walker

The Diagnosis…The first 3 Steps to a life with reduced mobility. Oh no!   Your world just suddenly stopped.  You (or a loved one) has just been diagnosed with a disease that you can hardly pronounce, let alone know how to embrace.   What now? You will read some awful internet articles about your disease or about […]